5 Signs You Have a Stinkbug Infestation

A pest control study showed that 84% of homeowners have had a problem with pests in the past year. However, many people may not know how to identify a pest problem in their home or determine what kind of infestation they have.
Do you want to learn more about stinkbug pest control near me and how to tell if you have a stinkbug infestation?
Keep reading this article for 5 signs of a stinkbug problem during stinkbug season and to see when you should call an exterminator near me.
1. Follow the Smell
Stinkbugs are named for a reason. They are known for their smell! When you scare stinkbugs or even if you crush them, the liquid they secrete is quite strong.
If you have only a few stinkbugs in your home, you may not notice the smell. However, stinkbugs often congregate or bunch together. When they form a large group, the smell can get much stronger.
Many people say that stinkbug secretions smell like a skunk or even rotting food.
While the smell of stinkbugs comes from their secretions, you may notice the smell even after you get rid of the stinkbugs in your home. If they frequent certain areas of your house, there will be more secretions and your home will smell even stronger.
2. Dead or Alive Stinkbugs
Another easy way to identify a stinkbug infestation in your home is if you have stinkbug sightings. Whether they are alive or dead, finding a bunch of stinkbugs in your home or on your property.
Here are a few identifying features of stinkbugs if you are not sure what they look like. First, they are a little bit bigger than a half-inch long. They are shaped like a shield and have 3 distinct body segments.
Stinkbugs also have a brown-grey color with speckles and have a white underbelly.
Often you will find stinkbugs in lamps and curtains in your home. However, they also like to spend time in sunny areas of your house and may even stay in your fruit basket in your kitchen.
3. Issues With Houseplants
Stinkbugs also wreak havoc with house plants and your plants growing outside. These bugs are known to destroy crops, so they may start eating your houseplants if you have an infestation.
If you notice any problems with your houseplants. Typically, stinkbugs will suck the juice or sap from your plans, which will mar the leaves.
While stinkbugs are typically attracted to grasses and weeds, they also like to eat corn, grains, and fruit from trees.
4. Bug Trails & Stains
Next, you may notice trails or stains that are left behind from these stinkbugs. As they crawl around your home, stinkbugs will leave a trail of feces and excrement behind them.
These result in trails that are long and dark in areas where the stinkbugs constantly travel. You may want to keep an eye out for these trails on your windows, on your countertops, and even across the walls.
Typically, stinkbug stains or trails are a dark yellow or brown liquid that soaks into your furniture and other materials. Stinkbugs will also secrete this liquid when they are crushed.
If you notice any of these trails, you may want to see if they lead you to any common hiding places for stinkbugs in your home. If your stains are darker, you can assume that this is an area of your home where bed bugs frequently go.
By identifying these trails, you can contact an exterminator to come and take care of these pests for you.
5. Damaged Fruits & Vegetables
Finally, stinkbugs often lead to problems with fruits and vegetables.
As was mentioned before, these bugs are known as crop pests as they are highly destructive to plants and their fruit. In the spring as the stinkbugs repopulate, they will feed on your crops.
If you have a home garden, you will likely notice stinkbugs congregating in your crops. They will eat anything from fruit trees to vegetables.
One way to identify damaged fruits and vegetables in your garden is to look for scars on your fruit. These scars form when the stinkbugs piece the skin of your fruits or vegetables to eat the sap inside.
If you notice strange marks on all your fruits and vegetables, you may have a stinkbug problem.
While stinkbugs typically only eat fruit that grows outside, they may eat fruits or vegetables in your kitchen if they are left out or easy to access.
To prevent this from becoming an issue, make sure you properly store your fruits and vegetables. If you notice any problems or strange marks on your fruits, you may want to empty your fruit bowl to look for these bugs.
Stinkbug Infestation? Find an exterminator in Columbia, SC Today
Pest problems can be difficult to identify, especially if you do not see any of the bugs. However, if you notice any of these signs, you may have a stinkbug problem on your hands.
If you have a stinkbug infestation, DIY home pest control may not cut it. This is why it is best to call a company for home pest control in Columbia, SC. Are you looking for an exterminator near me?
Cayce Exterminating can help! We provide pest control services from bug identification, termite inspection in Columbia, SC, and more.
Contact our team today to get help with your pest control needs and to learn more about how to prevent and solve a stinkbug infestation!
Do you have a pest problem?
If so, Cayce Exterminating is the best exterminator in Columbia SC! We offer home pest control and commercial pest control in Columbia SC, Cayce SC & Lexington SC. Family owned and operated for over 50 years.
You can trust that our family of highly trained professionals will provide fast service with 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Our technicians are licensed by the state of South Carolina to ensure your safety as well as ours. And we’ll always treat you like family – because that’s what you deserve!
Call us today at 803-796-2847 or visit our website to schedule an appointment online! Pest control columbia sc is something that pest exterminators can take care of, but it should be noted that pest extermination isn’t the only pest removal tactic available. In fact, pest extermination should always go hand-in-hand with pest prevention as a pest infestation can quickly become a major problem for your home.
Cayce Exterminating Company, Inc.
2229 Taylor Road
Cayce, SC 29033
Exterminator Columbia SC