Bed Bugs

bed bug extermination

Does DIY Bed Bug Extermination Work?

By x | April 6, 2022

Every year, 1 in 5 households report a bed bug infestation. Have you been feeling itchy lately? Do you have mysterious bites? If you’ve got bed bugs, you’ll want to […]

types of bed bugs

The Common Types of Bed Bugs Found in Homes

By x | January 28, 2022

Did you know that there has been a resurgence of bedbug infestations ever since 2000 due to how some bed bugs have become more resistant to certain insecticides? The thought […]

early signs of bed bugs

5 Early Warning Signs of Bed Bugs You Can’t Afford to Ignore

By x | February 8, 2021

Are you worried you’ve got a bed bug infestation on your hands? Well, we’re not surprised! A whopping 84% of American households experience a pest problem each year, and few […]

signs of bed bugs

Itchy, No-Good Critters: What to Do When You Notice Signs of Bed Bugs

By x | December 15, 2020

Are you looking for signs of bed bugs? Since bed bugs are hard to see, infestations can go unnoticed. The signs of bed bugs include blood spots on your furniture […]


When is a “Bug” Really a Bug?

By David Day | November 25, 2015

We may refer to any insect as a “bug”. In the pest control business, we often find ourselves doing the same thing. An insect taxonomist would have a fit because […]


How to Kill Bed Bugs

By David Day | January 30, 2015

Bedbugs are a growing problem in South Carolina and all across the United States. Greenville-Spartanburg, Myrtle Beach and Charlotte were all on this year’s list for the worst bed bug […]


How to Avoid Bed Bugs When Traveling

By David Day | September 2, 2014

When you go on vacation, the last thing you want to bring back as a souvenir is a bed bug infestation. However, that’s exactly what many travelers have been experiencing […]