Common Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Pest Control Service

No matter how spotless your home is, you can still find yourself susceptible to a pest invasion. More importantly, pest invasions aren’t just icky or unsettling. Some pests, like mosquitos, can carry diseases or create unsanitary conditions in your home.
What should you do if you start to notice signs of a pest invasion in your home? Contact pest control ASAP.
When looking for a pest control expert, don’t limit your search to “pest control near me.” Make sure that you’re hiring the best home pest control services you can find, even if it requires a little extra work.
We’re here to help make your search for pest control a little easier. Read on for common mistakes to avoid when choosing a pest control service.
Basing Your Selection on Price Alone
Your budget is important but so is the quality of the services you pay for. Nothing is worse than accepting the lowest quote only to find that the pest control services don’t take, leaving you at square one.
It certainly makes sense to rule out any pest control companies that charge more than you are willing to pay. However, make sure that you continue your research from there, narrowing down your options to the best company for the job.
Not Asking About Price At All
The flip side of only worrying about price is not worrying about price at all. The cheapest company may not be providing the best services but the most expensive company is likely not providing the best services, either.
Whenever possible, request a quote before you hire a pest control company. That way, you know what to expect–and you can open the door to asking further questions.
Overlooking Customer Testimonials
One of the best ways to find out about the quality of a service is to look at the testimonials from previous customers. Previous customers can provide honest feedback about things like professionalism, the effectiveness of the treatment, pricing, and overall satisfaction.
If you can’t find testimonials on a pest control company’s website, consider looking at Yelp or Google Reviews. You can also ask companies to provide you with a few referrals so that you can get in contact with previous customers, yourself.
Not Asking Some Key Questions First
Before you book your pest control services, give the company a call. While you have a representative on the phone, ask a few key questions about your situation and the services they can provide. For example, you can ask questions like:
- How long have you been in the extermination business?
- What methods do you use for a pest problem of the variety and size that I’m dealing with?
- How many appointments will it take to eliminate my pest problem?
- What will you do to prevent future pest infestations?
- What other services, like annual pest prevention or inspections, does your company provide?
When you’re asking these questions, pay close attention to how they’re answered. Can the representative provide thorough responses to all of your concerns? Are they responding in a professional manner?
By taking the time to ask questions in advance, you can gauge how you feel about a company before signing on the dotted line.
Contacting a Company That Can’t Treat Your Pest Problem
Keep in mind that while some exterminators can tackle a broad range of pest problems, others offer a narrow range of services geared towards one type of pest. For example, it’s not uncommon to find companies that deal strictly with bed bugs or strictly with termites.
Mice and other rodents are easy to identify, but bugs can be a little trickier. Use our Bug ID guide to get a better sense of what’s crawling or flying around your home. The more information you know about your pest problem, the easier it will be to match up with the right exterminator.
Hiring a Company That Isn’t Licensed or Insured
It’s always important to work with a company that ensures that all of its employees are licensed and insured for the job. A license entails that each pest control professional met the standards of your state or county to perform the job well. You’re taking far less of a risk on a licensed professional than someone who may have the experience but doesn’t have the credentials.
Liability insurance is another must-have. When you hire any type of contractor who doesn’t have liability insurance, that liability falls on you. In other words, if an uninsured contractor gets injured on your property, you may be the one who has to foot the bill.
Going With a Company That Isn’t Local
Pests don’t care much about state or city lines, but it stands to reason that a local company is going to know a thing or two about the local pests. Plus, they’ll know the area, care about its residents, and charge prices that align with the local economy.
When you’re looking for pest control in Columbia, SC and surrounding areas, look no further than Cayce Exterminating. We’ve been serving the residents of Cayce, Columbia, and Lexington for over 50 years. We love what we do and we treat all of our customers as if they were are own family members.
Have a Pest Problem? Cayce Extermination Is Here to Help
It’s important to take care of pest problems ASAP. However, you don’t want to make a decision so quickly that you make one of these common mistakes when hiring pest control services. With this guide, you can guarantee that you’re working with the pest exterminator for the job.
Ready to get started with Cayce Extermination? Contact us to learn more about our services, availability, and pricing. We’ll start you off with an online consultation and free quote so that you can make an informed decision.
Do you have a pest problem?
If so, Cayce Exterminating is the best exterminator in Columbia, SC! We offer home pest control and commercial pest control in Columbia, SC Cayce SC & Lexington SC. Family owned and operated for over 50 years.
You can trust that our family of highly trained professionals will provide fast service with 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Our technicians are licensed by the state of South Carolina to ensure your safety as well as ours. And we’ll always treat you like family – because that’s what you deserve!
Call us today at 803-796-2847 or visit our website to schedule an appointment online! Pest control columbia, SC is something that pest exterminators can take care of, but it should be noted that pest extermination isn’t the only pest removal tactic available. In fact, pest extermination should always go hand-in-hand with pest prevention as a pest infestation can quickly become a major problem for your home.
Cayce Exterminating Company, Inc.
2229 Taylor Road
Cayce, SC 29033
Exterminator Columbia, SC