Is it a Water Bug, Palmetto Bug or American Cockroach?

Waterbugs, Palmetto bugs and American cockroaches are common names for the same insect. It’s not unusual to find them in homes, especially in South Carolina. Like any pest, they are an annoyance and can spread filth and disease if their population gets out of hand. Here are some tips to prevent American cockroaches, water bugs or Palmetto bugs from taking over your home:
- Use trash cans with very tight fitting lids.
- Place food inside Tupperware or airtight containers.
- Clean up all crumbs and spills on floors, counters, and shelves as soon as they occur.
- Keep faucets and drains under sinks and appliances in good repair. Do not let water stand in the sink for long periods of time.
- Keep clutter from accumulating, especially in kitchens and bathrooms. Cockroaches often hide in messy cabinets and in stacks of newspapers, bags, and rags.
- Vacuum often. Vacuuming is very important because it can remove small food crumbs, and cockroach egg-cases that may not be killed by insecticides.
- Good sanitation is important, both inside and outside the house. It is often the best control measure for cockroaches.
If cockroaches have taken over your home, the best solution is to call a pest control company like Cayce Exterminating. Get a free estimate or call us at 803-796-BUGS – Your Pest, Our Problem!
Do you have a pest problem?
If so, Cayce Exterminating is the best exterminator in Columbia SC! We offer home pest control and commercial pest control in Columbia SC, Cayce SC & Lexington SC. Family owned and operated for over 50 years.
You can trust that our family of highly trained professionals will provide fast service with 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Our technicians are licensed by the state of South Carolina to ensure your safety as well as ours. And we’ll always treat you like family – because that’s what you deserve!
Call us today at 803-796-2847 or visit our website to schedule an appointment online! Pest control columbia sc is something that pest exterminators can take care of, but it should be noted that pest extermination isn’t the only pest removal tactic available. In fact, pest extermination should always go hand-in-hand with pest prevention as a pest infestation can quickly become a major problem for your home.
Cayce Exterminating Company, Inc.
2229 Taylor Road
Cayce, SC 29033
Exterminator Columbia SC