Termite Facts and How Cayce Exterminating Can Help

Termites are a huge problem here in South Carolina. Every year they cause thousands of dollars of damage to many people’s biggest asset – their homes. This spring (2015) we’ve had an increase in calls about termites so we wanted to highlight some of the facts and how Cayce Exterminating can help you with any termite problems.
Termite Facts:
- There are around 4,000 termite species worldwide with around 50 in North America. Here in the Midlands of South Carolina, we only have to worry about Eastern Subterranean Termites.
- Each year, termites cause more damage nationwide than all natural disasters combined – more than wind, hail, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.
- We have seen an increase in termite activity in 2015 by the number of “swarmer calls” we’ve received this spring. This is when homeowners see flying termites (commonly mistaken for ants) coming out of their walls, trim, floors, etc. Often, this is the first sign that you have termites.
- You may have termites for years before you ever see a swarming termite as it is dependent on the maturity of the colony.
- The termite queen can live up to 50 years and produces tens of thousands of eggs a day!
How Cayce Exterminating can help:
- Cayce Exterminating offers lifetime, renewable termite warranties. This means that as long as you keep your house and pay the renewal payment, you can continue the warranty. Not all pest control companies offer this service. Some of our competitors offer only 5 or 10 year renewable warranties that you have to start over at the end of the warranty period. Make sure you check what type of termite warranty you have on your house!
- Cayce Exterminating can prevent and stop termites in their tracks. If you do have termite damage, we do home repairs and fix it up as if it was brand new.
- Cayce Exterminating does free inspections and estimates.
- We have competitive rates.
- Cayce Exterminating uses the latest termite pest control technology and techniques such as Termidor and Advance Termite Baiting System.
- New construction termite pre-treatments are also available so if you’re building your dream home, you can prevent termites and save your investment.
Don’t wait until the termites alert you to a problem. Call us for a free inspection and estimate. It’s always better to catch a potential problem before it becomes more expensive. You can call us at 803-796-BUGS (2847) with questions or concerns. We’ve written many other articles about termites that you may also find helpful:
Swarming Termites – What You Need to Know
Termite Damage versus Water Damage
Protecting your Home from Termite Damage
Termite Control – What You Need to Know
Remember, at Cayce Exterminating, Your Pest is Our Problem!
Do you have a pest problem?
If so, Cayce Exterminating is the best exterminator in Columbia SC! We offer home pest control and commercial pest control in Columbia SC, Cayce SC & Lexington SC. Family owned and operated for over 50 years.
You can trust that our family of highly trained professionals will provide fast service with 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Our technicians are licensed by the state of South Carolina to ensure your safety as well as ours. And we’ll always treat you like family – because that’s what you deserve!
Call us today at 803-796-2847 or visit our website to schedule an appointment online! Pest control columbia sc is something that pest exterminators can take care of, but it should be noted that pest extermination isn’t the only pest removal tactic available. In fact, pest extermination should always go hand-in-hand with pest prevention as a pest infestation can quickly become a major problem for your home.
Cayce Exterminating Company, Inc.
2229 Taylor Road
Cayce, SC 29033
Exterminator Columbia SC